I was suffering from aches & pains and on the fast track towards old age. I now have been educated on proper nutrition and lifestyle. These new life style choices have made a difference in my future and the way I will spend my golden years. I have been able to lose the weight that years of fad diets could not do. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels are within normal range for the first time in over 10 years. I have the best range of motion in my neck and back since I can remember. Also, I now sleep a full 7-8 hours without waking up with hip pain. Vikki Woods
After 12 weeks Initial Lab Final Lab Normal Levels
Cholesterol 246 164 120-200
Triglycerides 360 110 30-150
About Yost
At Yost Wellness Center, we are leading a Wellness Revolution that advances a new model of health care by pioneering cutting edge treatments while utilizing Functional Medicine.