Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup™, the herbicide used on genetically engineered (GE) crops to withstand glyphosate. Glyphosate residues have been detected in especially high levels in soy and corn plants. This means that the GE plants are absorbing the herbicide and you cannot simply wash it off.
What does this mean to you and your family? Research is showing a correlation to an increase in learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, mental illness (depression, bipolar disorder, etc.), and hormonal imbalance. Think about how many people suffer from these common conditions but are being told they need medications to be helped or even worse they are being told they can’t be helped. The conversation of how toxins and chemicals could be the cause of these problems is being completely left out.
Every day in our clinic we see so many people who are suffering from chemical related illness but are not getting the proper help or advice. It is time to stop ignoring the obvious facts, our environment, foods, chemicals, pesticides and medications are causing a public health crisis and needless suffering. Schedule a consultation with a doctor who doesn’t ignore these environmental factors and has a solution to help you. Schedule a free consultation to discover how we can help!
About Yost
At Yost Wellness Center, we are leading a Wellness Revolution that advances a new model of health care by pioneering cutting edge treatments while utilizing Functional Medicine.